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Bose Frames Tenor

Sold from 2020 – 2022

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Bluetooth device doesn't work from a distance

If the Bluetooth connection between your product and a connected audio device is only reliable within short range of your product, try the following:

Be sure your product is within 33 feet (10 meters) of the Bluetooth device.

This range can be reduced by obstacles (e.g. walls, doors, appliances, wireless devices, etc.). Try moving the device and product closer together.

Reboot the Bluetooth® device.

Electronics, such as cell phones, tablets or computers, might need to be reset on occasion to correct minor issues. This is typically done by turning the device off, then powering it on again.

Your product may need service.

If the steps provided do not resolve your issue, your product may need service. Follow the link below for more information on how to service your product. Depending on your product and region, you will be provided a contact number or the ability to setup service online.

Click here to start service
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