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Lifestyle® V20 home cinema system

Sold from 2007 – 2010

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Resetting your product

A reset can reboot your product or it can clear locally-stored product settings, such as paired device lists. Find out which option is available to reset your product.

Do you want to reset your product or restore its default settings?

  • A reset may be required on occasion to correct minor processors errors. Unless indicated otherwise, settings are not lost during a reset.
  • Restoring default settings resets your system to its factory configuration. Unless indicated otherwise, all settings cleared and are reverted to their original out-of-box state. After, your product can be configured as if it were being setup for the first time. This can be done using the system menu on your TV or, if video is not connected, using the buttons on your system.


Restore factory settings using the on-screen menu

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