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SoundTouch soundbar system

Sold from 2017 – 2020

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Understanding LED indicator status lights and information

Find out what the LED indicator light on your product tells you about the status of your product.

SoundTouch 300 & SoundTouch Soundbar LED status:

Soundbar 300 lights on the front of the speaker

icon Wi-Fi and icon SoundTouch indicator lights

  Status Information
LED blink pattern on the front of the speaker White - Flashing alternately Disconnect USB cable.
These lights flash when the system has been updated via USB but the USB cable was not disconnected upon completion

icon Wi-Fi indicator light

  Status Information
LED off Off No power or Wi-Fi function disabled
LED blinking white White - Blinking fast Connecting to Wi-Fi while system is powered on
LED blinking white dimly White - Blinking fast, dim Connecting to Wi-Fi while system is powered off
LED blinking white White - Blinking System/source muted
LED blinking white White - Solid for 3 seconds, then double flash Installing firmware update
LED solid white White - Solid Connected to Wi-Fi while system is powered on
LED solid white dim White - Solid, dim Connected to Wi-Fi while system is in power saving mode
LED blinking amber Amber - Blinking Disconnected from Wi-Fi
LED solid amber Amber - Solid System in setup mode (broadcasting "Bose SoundTouch Wi-Fi Network")

icon TV indicator light

  Status Information
LED solid white White - Solid A connected source (i.e. TV, CBL/SAT, AUX) is selected
LED solid green Green - Solid Dialogue mode is enabled for the selected connected source (i.e. TV, CBL/SAT, AUX)
LED blinking white twice Green - Double blink Persistent Dialogue mode is enabled for the selected connected source (i.e. TV, CBL/SAT, AUX)
Note: Double blink occurs when persistent mode is enabled. Once enabled, the light remains solid green
LED blinking white White - Blinking System/source muted

icon SoundTouch indicator light

  Status Information
LED blinking white quickly White - Blinking fast Connecting to a SoundTouch source
LED solid white White - Solid SoundTouch source is playing
LED solid amber Amber - Solid Station or library not found, request/general error or station/service is unavailable
LED blinking amber twice Amber - Double blink Preset empty or music service's track skip limit reached
Note: Double blink occurs when remote/app control is pressed. After, the light returns to its previous state
LED solid green Green - Solid Dialogue mode is enabled for the SoundTouch source
LED blinking green twice Green - Double blink Persistent Dialogue mode is enabled for the SoundTouch source
Note: Double blink occurs when persistent mode is enabled. Once enabled, the light remains solid green
LED blinking white White - Blinking System/source muted

icon Bluetooth indicator light

  Status Information
LED blinking blue Blue - Blinking System is in discoverable mode and ready to pair to a Bluetooth device
LED blinking white quickly White - Blinking fast Bluetooth source is connecting
LED solid white White - Solid Bluetooth source is connected
LED blinking white twice White - Double blink Bluetooth paired device memory cleared
Note: Double blink occurs when 'clear' command is received. After clearing, the light flashes blue, indicating it is ready to pair a new Bluetooth device
LED solid green Green - Solid Dialogue mode is enabled for the SoundTouch source
LED blinking green twice Green - Double blink Persistent Dialogue mode is enabled for the SoundTouch source
Note: Double blink occurs when persistent mode is enabled. Once enabled, the light remains solid green

icon Connectivity indicator light

  Status Information
LED blinking white quickly White - Blinking fast Connecting
LED solid white White - Solid Successful connection to bass module or surround speakers
Note: This indicator glows for 30 seconds, then turns off
LED solid amber Amber - Solid Disconnection of bass module or surround speakers from the soundbar
LED blinking amber Amber - Blinking Accessory wireless surround speakers are not detected. For more info, see Wireless rear speakers setup cannot complete

Smart Soundbar LED status


Microphone LED (highlighted above on the left):

  Status Info
Off Microphone/voice assistant enabled
Red Microphone/voice assistant disabled


Light bar (highlighted above on the right):

  Color Status Info
White Pulsing System is rebooting
White Pulsing fast Connecting to a Bluetooth device or to a Wi-Fi network
White Slides to center, pulses twice Request confirmed (for system setting change)
White Single pulse Request confirmed
White Left side flashes Volume down command received. If volume button is held, the light stays lit while held
White Right side flashes Volume up command received. If volume button is held, the light stays lit while held
White Left side glows Audio muted
White Both sides glow Audio paused
White Slides to center, glows solid, pulses The voice assistant is listening when the light bar slides to the center and glows solid. If no request is made, the light flashes four times and fades, which signals the voice assistant is no longer listening
White Slides to center then to sides, pulses white The voice assistant is listening when the light bar slides to the center and glows solid. After a voice command is received, the light slides from the center to the sides while the assistant thinks, then pulses while the assistant is talking.
White Slides from sides to center continuously Voice assistant alarm is sounding
White Slides right to left Downloading system update
White Slides left to right Updating system
Blue Pulsing Ready to connect Bluetooth device
Yellow Pulsing Notification from voice assistant
Amber Flashes four times Source error. Refer to the Bose app for more information
Amber Solid Setup mode / ready to connect to Wi-Fi
Red Flashes four times Voice assistant and/or internet connection unavailable
Green Pulsing System ready for setup or entering Recovery mode
Red Solid System error. See Light bar is red for troubleshooting

Soundbar Universal Remote Blink Pattern Status Indicators

Remote Button Blink Pattern Indicates
After installing the batteries, the top three icons blink twice The remote has completed its boot-up process
After pressing multiple button, the top three icons blink twice The remote has stopped sending the multi-button signal
All six source icons blink repeatedly (65 second timeout) The remote is not connected to the soundbar
All six source icons blink three times The remote is connected to the soundbar
Top three source icons blink one after the other The remote has lost its connection and is attempting to reconnect
Four colored buttons above the navigation pad blink twice The batteries in the remote are low

Bass Module 500 LED Status Indicator States

The light on the lower rear of the bass module provides power and connection status information.

Bass module status indicator
  LED State Indicates
Indicator - off Off No power
Indicator - Amber - Blinking Amber - Blinking Ready to connect
Indicator - Amber - Solid Amber - Solid Standby
Indicator- White - Solid White - Solid Connected to soundbar or control console
Indicator - White - Blinking White - Blinking Downloading system update
Indicator - Red - Blinking Red - Blinking Firmware error

Virtually Invisible 300 / Surround Speakers wireless receiver LED status:

Status indicator light

  Status Information
Blinking amber light Amber - Blinking Ready to pair
Solid amber light Amber - Solid, dim Disconnected from the soundbar or control console
Solid white light White - Solid Connected to soundbar or control console
White blinking light White - Blinking Downloading system update
Red blinking light Red - Blinking Firmware error
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