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Bose S1 Pro+ Portable Bluetooth® Speaker System

Sold from 2023 – present

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Understanding LED indicator status lights and information

Find out what the LED indicator light on your product tells you about the status of your product.

S1 Pro Plus LED status

The signal/clip lights, power light, Bluetooth light, and channel displays are located on the side of the system. The system status lights are as follows:

Signal/Clip Lights

Light activity System State
Solid green Signal is present
Solid red Signal is clipping or system is limiting signal. Reduce the channel or source volume to prevent clipping or limiting.

Power Light

Shows the power and charging status of the system.
Light Activity System State
Solid white Powered on
Pulsing white while system is powered off and connected to power Charging
Solid red System error. Power the system off and on again. If the error persists, contact Bose customer service.
Slowly blinking red Thermal error. Let the system cool to a lower temperature
Quickly blinking red Battery error. Contact Bose customer service

Bluetooth Light

Shows the Bluetooth connection status
Light activityLight ActivityLight ActivityLight ActivityLight Activity System StateSystem State
Solid greenBlinking blue Signal is presentReady to connect
Solid redSolid white Signal is clipping or system is limiting signal. Reduce the channel or source volume to prevent clipping or limiting.Connected
Blinks white 3 times Cleared device list

Connection Light

Shows the connection and mute status of the transmitter
Light Activity System State
Solid blue Connected
Blinking blue Muted


Power Light

Shows the power, battery level, charging, and error status of the transmitter.
Light Activity System State
Blinks white 4 times (when powering on) 75% - 100% battery level
Blinks white 3 times (when powering on) 50% - 75% battery level
Blinks white 2 times (when powering on) 25% - 50% battery level
Blinks white 1 time (when powering on) 10% - 25% battery level
Solid white Powered on or charging
Blinking red Transmitter battery low
Solid red Error - contact Bose customer service
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