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Bose QuietComfort Earbuds

Sold from 2024 – present

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Understanding LED indicator status lights and information

Find out what the LED indicator light on your product tells you about the status of your product.

Earbuds and charging case status lights

The status light is located on the front of the charging case.

Battery Status

Charging case (no earbuds) - Shows the charging case battery status when the case isn’t connected to power and the earbuds aren’t in the case.
  • Solid Green(5 seconds) - High charge (81% - 100%)
  • Solid Amber(5 seconds) - Medium charge (30% - 80%)
  • Solid Red(5 seconds) - Low charge (1% - 29%)

Earbuds - Shows the earbud battery status when the charging case isn’t connected to power and the earbuds are in the case.
  • Solid green(5 seconds) - Fully charged
  • Slowly pulses amber(5 seconds) - Charging

Charging Status

Charging case (no earbuds) - Show the charging case charging status when the case is connected to power (by USB cable or wireless charger) and the earbuds aren’t in the case.
  • Solid green - Fully charged
  • Slowly pulses amber - Charging

Earbuds - Show the earbuds charging status when the earbuds are in the case and the case is connected to power (by USB cable or wireless charger).
  • Solid green - Fully charged
  • Slowly pulses Amber - Charging
    Note: If the Earbuds are fully charged, but the Case is still charging, the LED will still slowly pulse amber. Disconnect the case from power to check the earbuds charge level.
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