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Bose S1 Pro+ Portable Bluetooth® Speaker System

Sold from 2023 – present

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Checking the remaining battery charge

Find out how to check the battery level of your product using the product lights or the Bose app, if applicable.

To checking the battery charge level of the speaker, view the icon shown in the display of channel 3.

In the upper-right corner of the channel 3 display, one of the icons shown below indicates the corresponding charging state and battery charge level.
Icon Indicates
four-bar battery icon 67 to 100% charge remaining. Not charging
three-bar battery icon 34 to 66% charge remaining. Not charging
two-bar battery icon 10 to 33% charge remaining. Not charging
exclamation point and one-bar battery icon 0 to 9% charge remaining. Not charging
lightning bolt and four-bar battery icon Charging. Level between 67 and 100%
lightning bolt and three-bar battery icon Charging. Level between 34 and 66%
lightning bolt and two-bar battery icon Charging. Level between 10 and 33%
lightning bolt and one-bar battery icon Charging. Level between 0 and 9%

To check the battery charge level a wireless transmitter, view the icon shown in the display of channel it is plugged into.

In the upper-right corner of the channel 1 or 2 display, one of the icons shown below indicates the corresponding charging state and battery charge level. of a paired wireless transmitter. They briefly appear as full-screen overlays, except for the lightning bolt icon, which will always appear while charging the transmitter.
Icon Indicates
four-bar battery icon 67 to 100% charge remaining. Not charging
three-bar battery icon 34 to 66% charge remaining. Not charging
two-bar battery icon 10 to 33% charge remaining. Not charging
exclamation point and one-bar battery icon 0 to 9% charge remaining. Not charging
lightning bolt and four-bar battery icon Charging. Level between 67 and 100%
lightning bolt and three-bar battery icon Charging. Level between 34 and 66%
lightning bolt and two-bar battery icon Charging. Level between 10 and 33%
lightning bolt and one-bar battery icon Charging. Level between 0 and 9%
lightning bolt and one-bar battery icon Charging
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