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Bose Sleepbuds™ II

Sold from 2020 – 2023

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Using the Snooze feature

The Snooze feature lets you pause a wake-up alarm from sounding for a period of time before resuming the alarm. Find out how to use the Snooze feature.

Snooze an alarm.

Android Devices

When the alarm sounds on your Sleepbuds, a notification appears on the lockscreen of your Android device:
  1. Drag the notification down slightly to view a Snooze button
  2. Tap the button to snooze the alarm.

Apple Devices

When the alarm sounds on your Sleepbuds, a notification appears on the lockscreen of your Apple device:
  • On devices with the force touch feature, force touch the notification to view the Snooze button. Then, tap the button to snooze the alarm
  • On other devices, swipe the notification to the left to view the Snooze button. Then, tap the button to snooze the alarm
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