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Lifestyle® V20 home cinema system

Sold from 2007 – 2010

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Serial number location

Serial numbers contain important information about your product, including model number and DOM (Date of Manufacture). The serial number can be found on your product, product packaging or app (if applicable).

LSPS III Acoustimass module serial number location:

The serial number is found on the label by the connections on the back of the bass module. It is below the barcode and begins with the number 0.

MC1 Display Panel serial number location:

The serial number is found on the bottom of the display panel above the barcode. It begins with the number 0.

MC1 Media Center serial number location:

The serial number is found on the label on the bottom of the console. It is below the barcode and begins with the number 0.


You can also view the serial number on the system display:
  1. Power off your system
  2. On the system display, press and hold the middle button: House Code appears on the display
  3. While holding the middle button, press the On/Off button (the far left button) repeatedly until CONSOLE SERIAL # appears on the display followed by the serial number
  4. Release the middle button, then press the On/Off button to clear the display.
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