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Serial number location
Serial numbers contain important information about your product, including model number and DOM (Date of Manufacture). The serial number can be found on your product, product packaging or app (if applicable).
AV28 system console serial number location:
The serial number is found on the bottom of the product to the left of a barcode. It begins with the number 0.
You can also view the serial number on the system console display:
You can also view the serial number on the system console display:
- On the system console, press the All Off button to power off the system
- Press and hold the Store button
- While holding the Store button, press the Enter button repeatedly until SN appears on the display.
Tip: On some early models, the serial number appears as all zeros on the display. In these cases, view the label on the bottom of the console for the serial number.
PS28 Acoustimass module serial number location.
The serial number is located on the printed panel beneath the connections on the rear of the module

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