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Bose SoundLink Flex Portable Speaker (2nd Gen)

Sold from 2024 – present

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Serial number location

Serial numbers contain important information about your product, including model number and DOM (Date of Manufacture). The serial number can be found on your product, product packaging or app (if applicable).

SoundLink Flex Portable Speaker (2nd Gen) serial number location

Bose App

We recommend using the Bose App icon to obtain your serial number for the best results.

Navigate to Settings icon and select Technical Info in the app. Your product's serial number will be displayed.

On the Speaker

The serial number is located on the back of the speaker, specifically on the left-hand side of the grill.

Important: We are aware that the serial number printing on some products may be very faint in color. This is normal, and we can acquire the serial number from the Bose app via Settings icon > Technical Info or the original box under the barcode. To verify the authenticity of your product, you can use our product registration site:global.Bose.com/registration

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