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Lifestyle® 35 DVD home entertainment system

Sold from 2001 – 2004

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Blue or pink tint to video

If the image color on your TV does appear as expected, try the following:

Be sure the video format option is the correct setting: NTSC or PAL.

Most North and South American regions use NTSC; other regions use PAL. If the format is set incorrectly in the system, the video may be distorted or blank. For information on checking the TV video format, see Changing TV video format.

Be sure the component video adapter is connected and set properly.

If the component video adapter is connected be sure it is set properly in the Bose system menu and the RCA connectors are seated firmly in the proper input/output jacks. For more information, see Using component video cables with your system.

If using the component video adapter, be sure the correct adapter is connected.

Series 1 and series 2 Lifestyle systems use different component video adapters. Be sure to use a series 1 adapter with a series 1 system and a series 2 adapter with series 2 system. Check which adapter you have by looking at the male composite connector on the adatper (the connector that plugs into the yellow Video OUT jack on system console):
  • If this connector is black, follow it to the opposite female end: If the female end is red, it's a series 1 adapter; if the female end green, it's a series 2 adapter
  • If this connector is yellow, it's a series II adapter

When using a series II component video adapter with a series I system, be sure to connect the adapter as follows:

  1. Connect the red female end of the component video adapter to the blue male end of thecomponent video cable
  2. Connect the blue female end of the component video adapter to the green male end of the component video cable
  3. Connect the green female end of the component video adapter to the red male end of the component video cable

Replace the video cable used to connect your product.

Try replacing the video cable that connects your product. If no issue occurs with the new cable, there was a problem with the original video cable.

Reset your media center.

A reset is used to correct occasional product issues. It is not something that a product should require repeatedly. For more information, see Resetting your product.

Try plugging in to a different input on the TV.

Most TVs have more than one input section so you can connect more than one video device to the TV. For example, on the back of the TV, there might be sections labeled Input 1, Input 2 and Input 3. If your system is connected to Input 1,  unplug it and plug it in to Input 2 instead. If the issue is resolved, it's related to the TV input or the TV settings for that input.

Your media center may need service.

If the steps provided do not resolve your issue, your product may need service. Follow the link below for more information on how to service your product. Depending on your product and region, you will be provided a contact number or the ability to setup service online.

Click here to start service
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