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Lifestyle® 35 DVD home entertainment system

Sold from 2001 – 2004

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Home-made DVDs will not play

If your system can play store-bought discs but has trouble playing homemade media that you burned, try the following:

Be sure your system supports the type of disc you are trying to play.

If the issue is with certain types of discs, check that your system supports that type of disc. For more info, see Disc compatibility charts.

Check if the disc works in a different disc player.

If available, try playing the disc in a different disc player. If the same issue occurs, the issue is with the disc.

For homemade media, try a different brand of disc, different software or different burning settings.

Different disc players can respond differently to burned media. If you have trouble playing burned discs, try burning a different brand of disc. You can also try different disc burning software. In the software settings, try selecting a slower burning speed (i.e. 4x or 8x). Additionally, if the software has an option to finalize the disc, select that also before burning.

In the disc burning software, reduce the disc burning speed.

Burning discs at slower speeds (i.e. 2x or 4x) can help to reduce errors while the disc is being created. In the options of the disc burning software, look for and reduce the burning or write speed.
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