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LED status information

Control console status indicator

No power

System is off (standby)

Blinking green:
System is starting

System is ready to use

System powering down or system off and charging iPod®

Lifestyle® system Acoustimass® module LED status indicator

Green LED: OFF
Orange LED: OFF
No power. The system is disconnected from power, or the AI cable is disconnected, or the system is plugged in and fully connected, but not on. The bass modules require a 10-volt turn on signal from the media centre before they can activate the LEDs

Green LED: 5 Hz
Orange LED: OFF
Normal operation - the system is on and is processing digital (S/PDIF) information

Green LED: Counterblink (light alternating between green and orange)
Orange LED: Counterblink (light alternating between green and orange)
Digital (S/PDIF) signal is not present. This could be caused by a damaged or improperly seated AI cable, or could indicate a hardware problem in either the media centre or bass module

Green LED: 5-Hz syncblink (green and orange blinking simultaneously)
Orange LED: 5-Hz syncblink (green and orange blinking simultaneously)
This blink pattern will occur during a software update (waiting for update)

Green LED: 1-Hz syncblink (green and orange blinking simultaneously)
Orange LED: 1-Hz syncblink (green and orange blinking simultaneously)
This blink pattern will occur during a software update (update has been received and is being written to flash)